Bad analogy as the inflation is when the market is overheated rather than organic growth and the policies in place to throw fiat money everywhere is what caused it.

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Summers was wrong in attributing the 2021-23 inflation to fiscal policy. The Fed was inflating (too much as it turned out) to ease the adjustment to the COVID shock, not to keep interest rates low.

He could, however, be right about Trump who in the short run is threatening to create supply shocks to the economy with his tariffs and deportations which will force the Fed to chose between inflation and unemployment of resources.

In the medium run the even greater danger is the 1.1 trillion per year increase in the deficit flowing from the Trump tax proposals https://thomaslhutcheson.substack.com/p/a-trump-budget-scorecard

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your numbers are skewed and based on feds continue spending taxpayer money on useless laundering schemes. I understand the analysis, it just doesn't take into account the offset of not spending on frivolous, unnecessary billion dollar boondoggles

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